20 Minute Christian Counselor
Each 20-minute episode is rich with valuable guidance, biblically-based insights, and actionable advice, all aimed at helping you navigate life's complexities and deepen your faith. Join Pastor Robb Oram every other week for a refreshing dose of hope, encouragement, and transformative wisdom. Subscribe to the 20 Minute Christian Counselor podcast today and begin your journey towards a more fulfilling and Christ-centered life.
20 Minute Christian Counselor
How Can I, or Someone I Care About, Be Set Free from Pornography?
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In this episode, Robb clarifies what pornography is, talks about the damage it can do in a person's life and relationships, and shares specific strategies you can take to begin to be set free from porn. He also addresses practical steps to take if you're involved with someone who is struggling with pornography.
Notes from this episode:
Jesus said looking at a woman and lusting after her is just like having sex with her in Matthew 5:28.
Jesus said nothing is impossible with God in Matthew 19:26.
The story of Jesus asking the disabled man if he wanted to be made well is found in John 5:1-15.
Jesus talked about plucking out your eye and cutting off your hand to avoid temptation to sin in Matthew 5:29-30.
Paul's story about asking God to remove his "thorn in the flesh" can be found in
2 Corinthians 12:7-10.
The book I mentioned about overcoming addiction to pornography is:
"Every Man's Battle" by Stephen Arterburn.
If you're interested in learning more about me, or to schedule a counseling appointment (either in person, or remotely using Zoom), or to arrange a speaking engagement, reach out to me at my website at www.robboram.com, or text or call me at (805) 312-8715.