20 Minute Christian Counselor
Immerse yourself in biblical counseling and practical wisdom with the 20 Minute Christian Counselor podcast, hosted by Pastor Robb Oram. With nearly 40 years of ministry experience, Robb brings together his pastoral knowledge and Christian counseling expertise to provide concise, faith-driven episodes designed to empower individuals, couples, and families in overcoming life's challenges and nurturing stronger relationships with God and one another.
Each 20-minute episode is rich with valuable guidance, biblically-based insights, and actionable advice, all aimed at helping you navigate life's complexities and deepen your faith. Join Pastor Robb Oram every other week for a refreshing dose of hope, encouragement, and transformative wisdom. Subscribe to the 20 Minute Christian Counselor podcast today and begin your journey towards a more fulfilling and Christ-centered life.
37 episodes
4 Steps to Making Wise Decisions
Making big decisions can often be very challenging. Especially when we realize the choices we make determine the trajectory of our lives. But, we don't have to make these critical decisions alone! In this episode, I share 4 steps we can take to...
Season 3
Episode 1

How Can I Change My Spouse?
Are there some things you want to change about your spouse? Have you been trying to change them, and been unsuccessful? Is it even possible to change them? In this episode I address this complicated issue, and offer some very practical strategi...
Season 2
Episode 14

How Can I Cope with Being Estranged from a Loved One?
Broken relationships are painful, and may feel like they can never be restored. In this episode, I provide some practical counsel on how to respond in these difficult situations, and offer some reasons to maintain hope for reconciliation.
Season 2
Episode 13

How Can I Cope with Disappointment?
Disappointment- we all experience it. Sometimes, it's heartbreaking. How do we cope with it? In this episode, I provide some practical recommendations by challenging us to examine three important areas of our lives: our expectations, our gratit...
Season 2
Episode 12

How Can I Be Happy in an Unhappy Marriage?
Just because your marriage isn't what you thought it would be, or what you think it should be, or what you'd hoped it might be, doesn't mean you're stuck being unhappy forever. The good news is there are practical steps you can take to increase...
Season 2
Episode 11

How Can I Be Set Free From My Shame?
Shame is one of the most powerful, influential emotions we can experience. It's also one feeling that's very difficult to admit or discuss. In this episode I define shame, talk about where it comes from, and most importantly, share how we can b...
Season 2
Episode 10

What is “Self Talk?” Do I Do It? How Does It Affect Me? How Can I Change It?
You might be surprised at how much you "self talk," and how much it affects you. In this episode I explain self talk, demonstrate how it can impact your life, and share how God can help you change it- which in turn will change your life.
Season 2
Episode 9

What is Enabling? How Can I Tell if I’m an Enabler? Why Do I Enable? How Can I Stop?
God calls us as Christ followers to help others. Jesus is our perfect example of this. However, not all "helping" is helpful. In fact, sometimes our helping can actually be harmful. In this episode I explain what this unhelpful helping, also kn...
Season 2
Episode 8

Why Can’t I Forgive Myself, Should I Forgive Myself, and If So, How Do I Forgive Myself?
I've learned that despite the fact the we know God forgives us, many of us struggle to forgive ourselves. What makes this so hard? Is forgiving ourselves even the right thing to do? If so, how in the world do we go about doing it? In th...
Season 2
Episode 7

3 Strategies to Improve Intimacy in Marriage
God designed the marriage relationship to be the most intimate of all. Yet, sometimes we don't feel the closeness and connection we'd like to experience with our spouses. In this episode, I offer three practical strategies you can begin to impl...
Season 2
Episode 6

How is Fear Impacting My Life, and How Do I Deal With It?
We all have our fears-we may not even be aware of some of them. They're impacting our lives more than we realize, and we tend to try to cope with them in unhelpful, unhealthy ways. In this episode, I share some healthy responses to fear, and ex...
Season 2
Episode 5

Is My Spouse Toxic? And If So, What Can I Do About It?
Marriage is challenging for all of us, because no spouse is perfect. But, some spouses are extremely difficult- even to the point of being "toxic." In this episode, I describe characteristics of a toxic spouse, and I offer some practical strate...
Season 2
Episode 4

Why Am I So Tempted to Do Bad Things, and What Can I Do to Resist Doing Them?
Temptation is something we all deal with. What makes it so difficult? What can we do to avoid giving in to it? How can God help us? In this episode, I offer some answers to these critical questions.Jesus' challenge to do "whateve...
Season 2
Episode 3

Why Do I Feel the Way I Do, Are My Feelings Right or Wrong, and What Do I Do with Them?
Do you ever feel confused, ashamed, or frustrated about how you feel? Have you ever wondered why you feel a certain way? Are you struggling with how to deal with your emotions? Should you deny them, ignore them, or go with them? In this episode...
Season 2
Episode 2

Why Am I Suffering, and How Can I Get Through it?
Have you been through a tough season of suffering? Are you experiencing significant suffering right now? In this episode, I wrestle with why we suffer, and share realities about suffering that can help us get through it.Some of the Scri...
Season 2
Episode 1

How Can I Cope with my Loneliness?
Are you struggling with feelings of loneliness? All of us do. In this episode, I explain how, with God's help, you can not only cope with these feelings, but even allow Him to use them for good in your life. Some of the biblical re...
Season 1
Episode 22

Why Do I Get So Angry, and What Can I Do to Stop Feeling This Way?
What makes you mad? How do you handle your angry feelings? Is it sometimes OK to get angry? What does God say about anger? In this episode, I examine reasons we get angry, I discuss "righteous" vs. "unrighteous" anger, and I share some practica...
Season 1
Episode 21

Why Are the Holidays So Hard, and What Can I Do to Make Them More Enjoyable?
The holidays are often a difficult season for many of us. One in which we experience a variety of emotions. We can be torn between how we want to feel, what we think we should feel, and what we actually experience. In this episode, I exam...
Season 1
Episode 20

Why Am I Stuck? 5 Ways We Contribute to Our Own Problems
Are you feeling stuck in an unhappy, unhealthy relationship that seems like it’s never going to get better? Do you sometimes feel no matter how hard you try, you can never change? In this episode, I examine five ways in which you might be contr...
Season 1
Episode 19

One Critical Key to Emotional and Relational Health
What is the "secret" to being emotionally healthy? Why are some relationships better and more satisfying than others? How come some people are so much easier to get along with than others (and, vice-versa)? In this episode, I di...
Season 1
Episode 18

3 Things About Marriage I Wish I'd Learned Sooner
If you could go back in time and tell your younger self the 3 most important things you need to know about marriage, what would you say? In this episode, I reveal what I would say. Whether you're not yet married but someday hope to be, you're n...
Season 1
Episode 17

What Can I Do to Stop Being So Anxious?
Are you struggling with anxiety? Do you ever wonder why you're so anxious? Are you frustrated and discouraged because you can't seem to get over it? In this episode, Robb analyzes reasons why we experience anxiety, discusses what God, in ...
Season 1
Episode 16

How Can I Get Over My Past?
Do you sometimes feel frustrated, embarrassed, or ashamed about things you say or do? Do you ever wonder why you do things you don't want to do, and why you seem unable to change? In this episode, Robb discusses one primary reason we say and do...
Season 1
Episode 15

How Can I Cope with the Narcissist in my Life?
Are you in a relationship with, or married to, a narcissist? Are you looking for some help navigating this challenging relationship? In this episode, Robb shares a biblical perspective on narcissism, discusses common narcissistic behavior...
Season 1
Episode 14

How Can I, or Someone I Care About, Be Set Free from Pornography?
In this episode, Robb clarifies what pornography is, talks about the damage it can do in a person's life and relationships, and shares specific strategies you can take to begin to be set free from porn. He also addresses practical steps to take...
Season 1
Episode 13