20 Minute Christian Counselor

4 Steps to Making Wise Decisions

Robb Oram Season 3 Episode 1

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Making big decisions can often be very challenging. Especially when we realize the choices we make determine the trajectory of our lives. But, we don't have to make these critical decisions alone! In this episode, I share 4 steps we can take to make wise decisions, and explain how we can allow God to be actively involved in the process.

In this episode I reference the story of Abraham and Isaac. You can read more about this in Genesis chapter 22.

I also refer to Jesus' prayer to His Father when He was in the Garden the night before He was crucified. You can get more details about this in Luke 22:39-46.

If you're interested in learning more about me, or to schedule a counseling appointment (either in person, or remotely using Zoom), or to arrange a speaking engagement, reach out to me at my website at www.robboram.com, or text or call me at (805) 312-8715.

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